Internet Marketing

Rich Snippets & Breadcrumbs With UTF-8 characters

Adding Facebook-like Personalization to Your Rich Snippets While doing a quick search for the Google Rich Snippets testing tool, I saw this in the 2nd position of the SERP. It’s a page that lets you put annoying graphical characters into your rich snippets of data – specifically the rich snippet markup for breadcrumb links on

Rich Snippets & Breadcrumbs With UTF-8 characters Read More »

Techs are from Mars, Marketers are from Venus (Geak Speak)

New Years’ Resolutions: Internal Marketing Communications Geek Speak: Marketing communications involves internal messaging too The Technical Web Analyst’s New Year’s resolution: “This year, I’m going to stop bickering with the marketing team and try to get along with them better.” The Marketing exec’s new year’s resolution: “This year I’m going to try to understand those

Techs are from Mars, Marketers are from Venus (Geak Speak) Read More »