Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is more than a buzzword. Providing an SEO service means more than being first on Google. SEO is all about making sure your brand’s products and services are found by qualified people searching for terms relevant to your brand and products. SEO is truly a case where quality of visitors > quantity of visitors.

Search Engine Optimization has been described as a “reverse broadcast medium.”  That means instead of paying for a traditional ad that is broadcasted to a wide audience and hope you reach them, the audience is actively seeking you! Make sure they find you.

Expert SEO Services

Thom Craver is a renown SEO Expert, providing digital analytics, social media and SEO services to organizations all around the USA, Canada and Europe. Thom has spoken at SEO and digital marketing conferences throughout North America. He has led instruction for companies based in Canada, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

SEO Services I provide?

  • Complete SEO website audits
  • Analyze your existing site to see what works and what doesn’t
  • Perform accurate key word research to discover the best terms to generate the relevant web traffic
  • Apply tried and true, white-hat Search Engine Optimization practices for your Website
  • Establish Social Media marketing campaigns
  • Promote link building opportunities
  • Analyze Web statistics to increase Web traffic

Everybody wants increased web traffic. However, most only want increased traffic from visitors who become paying customers. Thousands of visitors who found your site first when they were looking for something you don’t offer does not help anyone. SEO is about driving quality traffic for people actually interested in your products or services. SEO – when done properly – makes that happen.

I’ll get you more qualified, quality Web traffic.

Can Your SEO Services Make My Site First?

No SEO service provider can ever truly promise to make you “first on Google.”  If any “SEO expert” promises you that, it’s a line.  Search Engines are dynamic sites that are always changing.  Search dynamics change based on multiple searches, search type (map, news, mobile), new content from competitors and real-time happenings and whether a search users is logged in or not.

Ready to Get Started?

Need more information? Want to get started right now? Contact me right now for a free consultation.