In the Press

Thom is recognized as an expert in Web analytics and many technical aspects of the Web. Often, his expertise is called upon to explain technical details in everyday language. Recently, quoted in:

Rochester Democrat & Chronicle

Thom Craver helps clients get the most from websites

“Almost anybody can create an Internet website, but generating traffic and making a profit from a site requires a special set of skills and experience.

And that’s where Thom Craver, a search engine optimization and digital marketing strategist, comes in.”

The Wall Street Journal

Google Search Profits From Faster Internet

“At Search Engine Watch, however, Thom Craver suggests there may be more to the launch than at first meets the eye.

What Google is now offering is tricked out hosting, not a page optimizer. You have to set your DNS to point to Google instead of your current Web host. This means when someone types in your website, Google’s servers will answer, not yours.”


Google Page Speed Service Raises Eyebrows

Search Engine Watch blogger Thom Craver said Google is actually offering “tricked out hosting, not a page optimizer.”


He wonders whether publishers will trust Google with the delivery of their Website content. However, Google assured eWEEK in a statement that this is not the case: 

aimClear Blog

Thom Craver Satisfies Your #Analytics Cravings: An Interview

aimClear had the pleasure of sharing a candid interview with Thom a month outside of #SES SFO. Topics of conversation ranged from shop-talk to dream dashboards and metrics in need of some TLC. Read on for the full effect.

The Ancient Geek Art of Web Analytics

Don’t let the “Introductory” angle of this session’s title fool you. Elementary essentials of analytics were addressed, but there were deep technical chestnuts that would pique the interest of even seasoned marketing vets.

Online Marketing Institute

The Top 20 Digital Marketing Strategists for 2015

Canada One

Getting Found Post-Panda: Understanding the New Rules for Getting to the Top in Google

Several weeks after the conference Google announced Google + project, a new social web offering quite similar to what Craver had predicted that will have “circles” (friends), “hangouts” (video chats), “sparks” (news feeds), photos and more. The project is currently in beta and is not accepting new participants at this time.

Digital Eye Media

The Top 5 Speakers for ClickZ Live 2014 San Francisco

After listening to the first 45 minutes of his presentation I knew that once I got back home I had a lot of tracking work ahead of me.

Rochester Democrat & Chronicle

Getting Results From Your Twitter Efforts

Thom Craver, a Web and database specialist at Rochester Institute of Technology’s Saunders College, advises that businesses should set measurable objectives.

“What was the last value you paid or the amount of time spent on a focus group? Or a fee to a company to figure out if someone likes that something? That’s research savings.”

Symposium Essential for Local Business

Craver’s session focused on the bottom line for business: revenue growth…Your company might be devoting time and resources for someone to use social media to engage customers and to extend your brand online. Craver emphasized the need for measurable results from your investment — ROI.

“Decisions are driven by money, not visitors,” he said. “You have to make goal. You have to measure your goals. You have to pin it to the business.”

PR Newswire

Online Newsrooms are a Key Part of Content Strategy

Bruce Clay Blog

Mobile Websites and Marketing – Where to Start

SEO Chat

7 Best Presentations from ClickZ Live San Francisco