SEO Competitive Analysis

SEO Competitive Analysis

An SEO competition analysis of your competitors keeps you in the game

A Spy, SEO competetive analysisWhen planning your SEO strategy, you not only need a baseline of how your site performs, but a baseline and history of how your competition is performing. Your competition may be traditional competitors in your space in your regional place of doing business. But it’s also who may not directly compete with you, but whose sites outrank you for your keywords.

Keep your enemies closer…

SEO competitive analysis involves using similar methods to performing SEO Site Audits. However, the focus is more off-page elements, ranking trends and PPC analysis. The SEO competitive analysis tools used are industry-leading and provide all the data needed to understand your competition’s strategies for PPC and SEO.

Competitive research essentially involves performing a mini-audit of various competitors’ with relation to your organization’s site. Don’t presume there’s one magic bullet why another company ranks higher than you. While possible, this is often not true. There are over 200 factors to Google’s algorithm with thousands of variations. Bing has tens of thousands of factors and variations, as well.

This SEO Competitive Analysis Report includes the following for up to three competitors:

  • Site reputation, awareness and indexed pages
  • Current keyword rankings overview
  • 12-month rankings trend
  • Competitor’s keyword competition
  • Search engine traffic trends and PPC
  • Back link profile
  • PPC Ad titles, copy and URLs
  • Social Network Profile

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