Search Engine Optimization

Rich Snippets & Breadcrumbs With UTF-8 characters

Adding Facebook-like Personalization to Your Rich Snippets While doing a quick search for the Google Rich Snippets testing tool, I saw this in the 2nd position of the SERP. It’s a page that lets you put annoying graphical characters into your rich snippets of data – specifically the rich snippet markup for breadcrumb links on

Rich Snippets & Breadcrumbs With UTF-8 characters Read More »

Google’s New Ranking Algorithm – How are your sites faring?

In what appears to be a second move to counter Blekko’s content farm exclusions, last night Google their “pretty big algorithmic improvement” to their ranking. I performed typical searches to check ranking on various sites I watch, and it would appear that Google has removed many of the same sites Blekko already had. Specifically, I’ve

Google’s New Ranking Algorithm – How are your sites faring? Read More »