See and Hear me at SES New York

Do you know your log file from your analytics?

Can you tell the difference between a visit and a hit?

Find out the answers to these questions and more from yours truly during the Introduction to Analytics session at Search Engine Strategies New York March 22, 2011.

The New York City SES is one of  – if not the – largest conferences on Search Engine Marketing you’ll find. If you’ve never been to an SES before, New York is the event to get your feet wet. Various tracks help keep you focused. For the novice, there’s the introductory track. I, however, will be kicking off the Analytics track.

Analytics is where it’s at. I’ll be taking a look at examples of campaign tracking, visitor behavior tracking and touching on how to track off-line campaigns. We’ll keep it simple and sweet and have time left over for questions when we’re done.

Join me in New York!
(No, I won’t wait for you at the top of the Empire State Building…)