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SES Chicago 2013 Speaking Schedule #SESChi

I’ll be blowing into the Windy City November 4-7 to talk SEO, Not Provided and a whole lot more. It’s time for SES Chicago. If you’re planning on being there, here’s where you can find me and the sessions I’ll be leading:

ClickZ LiveMonday 4-Nov:

  • ClickZ Academy Training – Sold Out!
    How to Collect, Interpret and Use Your Web Analytics Data
    You’ve built your website. Now what? Is it generating revenue, or is it still a cost center? Are people visiting? Once they come to your site, what are they doing? My 4-hour training class on Web analytics covers common metrics, KPIs, segmentation, finding meaning in your data, and reporting it properly.

Tuesday 5-Nov (Day 1):

  • Get Your Website Graded (Site Clinic)
    Is your website performing as you’d like it? Get some one-on-one advice and tough love with Technical SEO strategist, Thom Craver. From technical elements to content and usability, Thom will audit your site and present you a website report card to get you back on the path to better rankings, user satisfaction and visitor conversions.
  • Tracking the Untrackable with Google Analytics (Moderator)
    Google Analytics is only as great as the information you get out of it. If the actions you want people to take are not trackable or if they occur offline, how do you connect them to the tool? Discover the answer to this question and learn the amazing things that can be done in Google Analytics and the new Universal Analytics. Explore some powerful yet little-known ways to segment your audience using the new advanced segmentation features and multi-channel funnels.
  • Growth Hacking and Data Collection: Growing Your Customer Base Online
    Growth hacking is all the rage for start-ups. But established businesses can use the same lean marketing ideas to grow their customer base online. Some previously non-traditional methods of online marketing are becoming more and more common. When used correctly, these methods provide insight to visitor behavior to raise your conversions.

Thursday 7-Nov (Day 3):

  • SEO Isn’t Dead, It’s Been Reincarnated
    This Fall saw Google give an unannounced one-two punch of Not Provided and the Hummingbird Algorithm, taking away keywords and changing semantic search. At the same time, Bing rolled out instant “Page Zero” searches without leaving the search box and became the default Web Search for Siri on iOS 7. A panel of SEO experts weigh in on what this means for SEO and how the SEO community can cope with the changes for their clients.