Radio Shack Plots Uncharted FourSquare Waters

RadioShack is embracing FourSquare wholeheartedly.  I, personally, have checked in to local Radio Shacks and taken the 10% discount just by showing my mobile phone. While I’m not a mayor of any Radio Shack, they offer 20% discounts for those who hold the title. Now, they’re letting everyone get in on the fun with their own FourSquare badge as part of their “Holiday Hero” campaign for the upcoming gift-giving season.

The Radio Shack Holiday Hero badge directly compliments The Shack’s Holiday Hero Campaign which has its own tab on Radio Shack’s Facebook Page.  While two-thirds of CEOs still are not bothering with social, Radio Shack is going full-tilt. And why shouldn’t they? They are an old brand, known by older generations for many items they don’t carry anymore. Social is the vehicle big brands need to market and stay relevant with the younger generations. In the past year, Foursquare usage has jumped quite a bit.But is it the answer to reach the younger generation?  It certainly can’t hurt.

1 thought on “Radio Shack Plots Uncharted FourSquare Waters”

  1. Pingback: Toys R Us Gets Mobile and Social : Thom Craver

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