What It’s All About

And we’re off and running. I guess this is, however, a good place to talk about what I will be talking about in the near future. (Did you catch that?)

I am the former owner of a Web hosting and development and marketing firm. I merged the company with another interactive marketing firm in 2004. Four years ago, I started a consumer service based business and it’s still growing and going strong today. So I know a thing or two about marketing, specifically Internet marketing. Which is where this blog is going to go.

I am a Search Engine specialist, as well and consult to other businesses in the realm of Search Engine Marketing. As such, I will very likely discuss Google and the other big boys of search; how to use them, what’s wrong with them, and how to market via search. I’ll probably also get into linking and pay-per-click (PPC) ads, and if I’m lucky I’ll be blogging from some of the great search engine conferences around the country.

I will also be talking about other marketing issues as I find something interesting too. I suppose this means that I’ll have to stop providing Neil with good marketing blog fodder. Oh well, he’ll live, I’m sure.

Ciao for now.