Ok, so I’m usually the cynic on thowing a big sign saying “buy me, I’m cool.” If someone approaches me with a truly good product, I’m still the jerk and don’t bend easily.
So why is it then that on a late-night run to Wegmans for only milk and cat food, am I so tempted into buying the latest new fad flavor from Pepsi?
Yes, folks, they did it again. Pepsi is trying yet another set of fad flavors, this time going after the diet drinkers. Pepsi Jazz, boasting Cherry-Vanilla cola (sounds like Dr. Pepper and Coke – how original) and Strawberries & Cream. (What, Blue wasn’t bad enough?) But I digress.
Why are we, as comsumers, prepared to shell out $1.25 per 20 oz. bottle? Keep in mind that this display was on the
end-cap immediately at the end of the soda (pop) aisle. With only 4 additional steps, I can easily grab a 2-liter bottle of W-Pop for only 89 cents. Well, then there’s that the coupon for 50 cents off when I try this new flavor. Ok, now that becomes 75 cents for Pepsi’s 20 oz flavor fad. Oh wait, 50 cents off when you buy TWO. There goes that justification. No, it’s simply better to buy the 2-liter (around 67 oz) than pay 3x as much for a 20 oz bottle, right? And why would any marketing guru in a striped Pepsi distributor shirt think I’d pay that much?
It comes down to basic human nature. Large display that grabs your attention and makes you stop to at least look at it because it’s so cool and attention-grabbing. Of course, that magical marketing word, “New” always helps. Next is the large, portable refrigerated display case that has a selection of both flavors – ice cold – ready and waiting. Of course the 80-degree, 80% humidity at 11pm Rochester summer night doesn’t hurt either, and they played off that nicely. And what a nice touch to leave the shelves half-emptied as if I’m going to believe that there’s not enough left in-stock and I should hurry up and buy them. Really, we consumers are better than that, aren’t we?
Of course I bought one of each. I was thirsty, darnit!
aren’t there other things to consider as well? see, if i see an ad for pepsi, and i’m thirsty (there’s two points to consider already), i’ll probably go and get me a coke, or something else i like. what i’m saying is, if the product isn’t your taste, you won’t buy it, if you have a choice of something that you like more. what about that?
ren’t there other things to consider as well? see, if i see an ad for pepsi, and i’m thirsty (there’s two points to consider already), i’ll probably go and get me a coke, or something else i like. what i’m saying is, if the product isn’t your taste, you won’t buy it, if you have a choice of something that you like more. what about that?